Since there are so many wonderful plant based product options on the market, it can be difficult to know what to buy without feeling a bit overwhelmed. Here is a place to start!

We have tried lots of products over the years, and we only review products we like. In fact, what you see here are products we shop for and use. We choose products that we think are pretty healthy as well as plant based - we read labels to avoid unwanted additives and too much sugar or fat in our selections.
We hope you find items here that you will use and enjoy as well, along with inspiration and guidance for your own explorations.
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Veggie Elite Bottle

MRM Veggie Elite Performance Protein

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Humans need protein, but not an extraordinary amount, and vegetable protein sources are all your body needs. Getting all the right protein essential amino acids is the key, and a protein supplement can be very helpful to easily optimize obtaining your intake of those amino acids.

The MRM Nutrition company is a supplement company that focuses on products with high quality source ingredients and nothing extra. Their Veggie Elite Performance Protein is based on pea and brown rice protein and provides your amino acids in a very tasty powder.

My favorite flavor is vanilla bean. I like it blended into a smoothie with a banana and some orange juice, and I often add other ingredients such as additional fruits and veggies (avocado!) and chia seeds.

One scoop of MRM Veggie Elite Performance Protein contains 24 grams of complete protein. For me, that is over half my suggested protein intake (45 grams) for the day! You can calculate your suggested protein intake using this calculator.

MRM protein powder is easy for me to recommend.

Tuesday January 18th, 2022
Saturday January 8th, 2022

Plant Powered People

Vegan Nutrition Tips, Ideas & News for making plant based menu choices. Add more plants to your diet one step at a time with our ideas & suggestions.


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