Only products we have actually tried and liked are reviewed here. Since there are many wonderful planet powered food options on the market, it can be difficult to know what to buy without feeling a bit overwhelmed. Many of the brands and products will not be familiar, so how do you know that you will get something good and not waste your money? Been there, done that is the simple response. We have tried lots of products over the years and while eating food as nature intended is always recommended let’s face it we also need convenience and variety. So many of the “prepared” or “packaged” food that we review will make becoming a plant powered person easier. While we focus on “substitutes” quite a bit, we also highlight products that are just better than what you may typically see on the grocery shelf. We recommend organically especially those that are also made naturally without additives and preservatives. Being plant powered is also about being healthier by steering clear of highly processed foods that are high in sugar and processed fats. But convenience and variety may also have you opting for meatless, vegetarian or plant based options that may not be very healthy. So do read ingredients carefully since not everything it’s says on the label may good for you. The products reviewed here have been subjected to careful scrutiny and are healthy. That said, packed foods should always been chosen with care and eaten in moderation. Fresh fruits and vegetables along with whole grains, nuts and beans are the nutrition best sources. Eating these foods does take more time and effort and our blog and week by week posts try to make choosing a plant based lifestyle easier.

A box of Suzie’s Saltines
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Saltine Crackers

These are really delicious plant based saltine crackers. They are organic, which I like, made with organic wheat and olive oil, and they have a very light texture and taste, which I really like. What they don't contain I like as well - no hydrogenated ...

A box of Field Roast Smoked Tomato Deli Slices
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Smoked Tomato Deli Slices

Plant Powered People can enjoy delicious sandwiches with quite amazing plant based deli slices. One example is Field Roast Smoked Tomato Plant-Based Deli Slices.

Field Roast uses wheat gluten as a based to create unique tastes experiences. These ...

A bag of Hippeas Bohemian Barbecue Puffs
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Barbecue Puffs

Chickpeas also known as garbanzo beans are the main ingredient in these unique puffs that makes great snack. They are high in protein, fiber, calcium and potassium. This is no junk food but a tasty treat that pack actual nutrition. The unique ingredients ...

A package of Nooma Organic Sport Hydration Drink
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Organic Sport Hydration Drink

Coconut water is nature's electrolyte hydration drink. Coconut water is rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium, all vital minerals to aid your recovery after a sweaty workout.

Nooma goes one step further to jazz up coconut water with chocolate, ...

A bag of Tasty Bite Channa Marsala
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Channa Marsala

Easy plant powered Indian cuisine at home? Tasty Bite has a variety of vegetarian and vegan options in their large assortment of Indian specialties.

This chickpea based Tasty Bite Organic Channa Masala is a delicious meal on its own, with its ...

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Cauli Crisps

This is the best new thing in my pantry - a cylinder filled with a perfect stack of tasty, crispy vegan crisps! Plant Powered People everywhere are snapping up Vegan Rob’s Cauli Crisps. The company was founded in 2015, and is based in New York. I remember ...

A bottle of Follow Your Heart Ranch Dressiing
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Ranch Dressing

Ranch is the most popular salad dressing, says The Association For Dressings and Sauces. Did you know such an organization exists? I didn’t! Fun to know. Not only do I see it showing up on every salad menu, it’s also served with other foods, especially ...

A can of Equal Exchange Baking Cocoa
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Baking Chocolate

All the wonders of chocolate are captured in fine powered form. It can be added to oat, soy, rice, coconut, hemp or almond milk for a very healthy drink rich in nutrition. It is a little tricky to mix given that it is pure chocolate without sugar or ...

A jar of Woodstock Sauerkraut
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Fermented foods are good for you. My husband’s favorite brand is Woodstock. It is not too sour and vinegary, like some brands. It is just right, to the point that I, not a huge sauerkraut fan, like it, too! And it tastes great hot or cold. Putting ...

Plant Powered People

Vegan Nutrition Tips, Ideas & News for making plant based menu choices. Add more plants to your diet one step at a time with our ideas & suggestions.


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